Garage Door Springs: Which Are the Most Reliable?

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    garage Snow removal Tips

    Springs are fundamental parts of a garage door’s components, allowing it to work with a single push of a button.

    It is usually directly attached to the garage doors’ overhead and, sometimes, due to some spatial restrictions, it is installed at the side or the back of a garage.

    In the duration of seven to nine years, the expected lifespan of a garage door spring, it can complete an estimated 10,000 cycles or more if it is properly maintained.

    What is a cycle?

    A garage door spring cycle corresponds to a single round of opening and closing.

    Therefore, a cycle is a benchmark which helps homeowners to gauge a garage door spring’s durability before the need to replace the springs with a new one arises.

    However, expecting that a spring will always complete a cycle of 10,000 before it starts to deteriorate is a flawed way of discerning.

    Take note that garage door springs last for a long expanse of time.

    However, it can still incur damage.

    It is a requisite to maintain its excellent condition through regular maintenance.

    Learn more about the different types of springs installed on residential garages

    Standard Springs

    Garage doors vary in size, functions, and aesthetics.

    A typical garage door, on the other hand, is usually equipped with a standard spring.

    If you are on a tight budget, it is more affordable compared to other types of springs.

    Varying in length, width, and diameter, selecting a suitable spring for a garage door is not a problem at all.

    Standard springs are also capable of approximately 10,000 cycles hence being incredibly reliable.

    High Cycle Springs

    As the name blatantly suggests, high cycle springs can accomplish a more considerable amount of cycles.

    This is beneficial for those who desire to have a garage door spring with a longer lifespan.

    It also increases the efficiency of the motion of a garage door.

    However, this type of spring is not suitable for older garage doors as it is much more fitting for modern ones.

    Modern garage doors are engineered to accommodate a higher capacity of cycles compared to earlier models.

    Opting to utilize high cycle springs on garage doors is an investment because this degree of quality comes with a slightly high price.

    Nevertheless, homeowners who want to get a high cycle spring installed despite the constraints presented, call a garage door repair expert and discuss possible options to actualize your plan.

    Extension Springs

    Extension springs have a central function to balance the weight of a garage door, resulting in a seamless motion of lifting and lowering whenever using it.

    This spring is directly installed above garage doors.

    It extends whenever the door is opened and the higher tension it receives, the further it expands.

    It is advisable to integrate a safety cable along with an extension spring of a garage door.

    If the bottom bracket of the spring malfunctions, having a safety cable can prevent it from shooting off the wall and becoming a dangerous projectile that can damage valuable property and mortally put you at risk.

    Torsion Springs

    Torsion springs do not stretch or expand like extension springs; instead, it utilizes a torque to lift garage doors.

    The coils of this spring are encased in a steel cylinder which is mounted atop the garage door.

    Torsion springs exhibit a weaving and coiling motion when the garage door is in use.

    Just like extension springs, torsion springs come with a wider variety of dimensions determined according to the characteristics of the garage door where it will be attached.

    The Bottom Line

    Standard springs and extension springs are both cost-efficient varieties of garage door springs.

    However, extension springs have most of its components visibly exposed, making them hazardous.

    Alternatively, the parts of a torsion spring are located inside an enclosure, making it safer to use.

    It can also support more massive doors and holds more durability.

    High cycle springs provide an additional boost for the efficacy.

    However, it is not for everyone as it is more inclined to fit newly built garage doors and requires more financial resources to get one installed.

    For those who still feel indecisive in deciding which garage door spring type is better than the other,

    getting a professional opinion about this matter can help a lot.

    Garage door repair experts are easy to reach in areas such as Ottawa, Kanata, Orleans, and Ontario.

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